Sunday, January 31, 2010


It was a early valentine for you
Hope you guys like it
Enjoy the ferrero~~yum yum


Thursday, January 28, 2010




People said I am stubborn
I monopolise all the things

I doubt it
Is it good or bad?

Monday, January 25, 2010




Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hectic weeks ahead. Haiz…

Starting next week(tomorrow)
Nightmare is coming
piles and piles of assignments awaits
files and files of slides to be read
stupid procrastinator…
I guess no more sleep for me
haha >_<"


My life is in a mess right now
Need to rehab immediately


Need a piece of Zen~



I can hear the sea is calling me……

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Why raining continuously on the pass few days?
Why nothing to do on the pass 3 weeks?
Why arguing for stupid disputation?
Why telling like yelling?
Why am I behaving like that? Its consecutively happen! 

Sorry that I less update my blog because I hardly can online in room. I will update my blog once a week or once in a fortnight

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5th Day of 2010

Time pass so fast
Its already 5th day of a new year
I still in holidays mood… d(╯﹏╰)b

Second day of class
Finally got in to the correct BioC class
don’t really like the teaching method of that lecturer
very boring~~just read the whole morning

Then we thought eco class haven’t start yet
actually today have class… Arrr!!!!

After BioC
PL, YP and me went to EPP class
I was stunned by the lecturer
She was awesome
her English is geng till boom!
I was awake somehow
I realise my English is extremely poor
I was very nervous
scared of talking wrong words
the lecturer has very high standard English
her expectation also very high
=( really need to use oil this time
add oil, add oil

After EPP,
we have lunch at Pohomas
the food still taste the same
just ok

Statistic class was OK
I got what was taught today
good job to me! ~\(≧▽≦)/~   
( not carved by me >.< )

Class Start Already!!

4th January 2010

First day of class
very tiring
too many class need to attend
from 8am till 7pm
what a hectic Monday…

1st class >>> Statistic II
like PL said
“very happy seeing many familiar faces”
the lecturer still the same
the best lecturer in UNIMAS < Dr. Lim >
statistic 2 sound very confusing in that class
don’ really understand LU1… Sweat –.-"

2nd class >>> BioChemistry
so sia soi
went to wrong class
the lecturer was good
except his vocal is too heavy
hardily understand what he lecturing
I quite like his teaching method
clear (except his vocal) and brief
suite me ^L^

Last class of the day>>>Japanese Level I
first time study in CLS
it was not bad…
quite like it
Japan and nihongo are cool!
Sakai sensei is fine… slow and clear~~
Haha… like the class very much…
the environment is nice
the view from the class is beautiful~
sadly didn’t took any picture

What a tiring day =。=
Its my first semester taking so many courses
Need to start to work hard

Rain Raining Season >> WET WET <<

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Arrival!

today my parents bring stuff for me

New inventory
- Pot
- Plastic Cutting board
- Small Knife
- Spatula

- 300gm Naturel Canola & Sunflower Oil
- Salt
- Sugar
- Oyster Sauce
- Qing Sauce

- 2 Cabbages
- 4 Carrots
- 1kg Flour
- 300gm Rice Vermicellli
- 150g Dry Bean Curd Knot
- half packet of seaweeds

Thats all…haha

Let the game begin!