Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Class Start Already!!

4th January 2010

First day of class
very tiring
too many class need to attend
from 8am till 7pm
what a hectic Monday…

1st class >>> Statistic II
like PL said
“very happy seeing many familiar faces”
the lecturer still the same
the best lecturer in UNIMAS < Dr. Lim >
statistic 2 sound very confusing in that class
don’ really understand LU1… Sweat –.-"

2nd class >>> BioChemistry
so sia soi
went to wrong class
the lecturer was good
except his vocal is too heavy
hardily understand what he lecturing
I quite like his teaching method
clear (except his vocal) and brief
suite me ^L^

Last class of the day>>>Japanese Level I
first time study in CLS
it was not bad…
quite like it
Japan and nihongo are cool!
Sakai sensei is fine… slow and clear~~
Haha… like the class very much…
the environment is nice
the view from the class is beautiful~
sadly didn’t took any picture

What a tiring day =。=
Its my first semester taking so many courses
Need to start to work hard

Rain Raining Season >> WET WET <<

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